Commonwealth Master’s Scholarship: Eligibility, Benefits, Application Process

The Commonwealth Master’s Scholarship (CMS) is a prestigious scholarship program offered by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) in the United Kingdom to international students, including Indian students. The scholarship is funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) and is awarded to talented and motivated individuals who have the potential to make a positive impact on their home countries and the wider Commonwealth.

Table of Contents

Commonwealth Master’s Scholarship: Eligibility Criteria for Indian Students

To be eligible for a Commonwealth Master’s Scholarship, Indian students must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a citizen of a Commonwealth country, including India.
  • Have a good first degree (at least a second-class upper or equivalent) from a recognized university.
  • Be unable to afford to study in the UK without the scholarship.
  • Be admitted to a full-time Master’s degree program at a UK university.
  • Be intending to return to their home country after completing their studies.

Commonwealth Master’s Scholarship: Benefits

The Scholarship covers the following costs:

  • Full tuition fees
  • Living allowance
  • Return airfare
  • Visa and residence permit costs
  • Health insurance costs

Commonwealth Master’s Scholarship: Important Dates in 2024

The deadline to apply for the Scholarship in 2024 is October 17, 2023. The results of the scholarship selection process will be announced in June 2024.

How to Apply for the scholarship

To apply for a Commonwealth Master’s Scholarship, Indian students must submit the following documents:

  • A completed application form
  • A copy of their passport
  • A copy of their latest academic transcript
  • A letter of motivation
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • A copy of their unconditional offer letter from a UK university

Apply Online 

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